In accordance with the governor’s executive orders which changed the quarantine protocols in the State of Indiana, River Forest Community Schools will be enacting a mask mandate until further notice. This mask mandate will become effective at the end of the day today, September 3, 2021, and remain in effect until further notice.
This mandate will benefit all because it will greatly reduce the need to send students and staff home for quarantine when they are not symptomatic. Anyone with symptoms will still need to stay home, but this will allow dozens and dozens of students to remain in school rather than being sent home for quarantine. We are committed to keeping our doors open for students, and this is the only way to do this at this time.
Those who are already quarantined at this point must remain quarantined as they were directed, but, by masking, we will avoid the need to send almost all close contacts home from this point moving forward.
The EO can be found here.
The updated guidance includes the following information: