November 10, 2020
11.11.20 Continued Virtual Learning-English 11.11.20 Continued Virtual Learning-Spanish
November 3, 2020
P-EBT cards are still in the process of being mailed out to our student’s families. RFCSC does not have any role in the mailing out of the cards nor any additional information ot...
October 27, 2020
10.28.20 Pause to in-person learning RF (English) 10.28.20 Pause to in-person learning RF (Spanish)
September 27, 2020
Beyond 4 Walls Christian Center FREE FOOD GIVEAWAY
September 22, 2020
The River Forest Food Service department is excited to announce that starting Thursday, September 24th, 2020 ALL River Forest Students will receive Free breakfast and lunch!! The...
September 20, 2020
Letter from the Health Services Coordinator - English Letter from the Health Services Coordinator - Spanish
September 13, 2020
Evans Plan A Return to School Information English/Spanish Letter
September 8, 2020
Superintendent Return to School Letter English Superintendent Return to School Letter Spanish Adjusted 2020-2021 School Calendar 9.8.20
September 7, 2020
Board Public Work Session & Board Meeting Information
Please see the links below:
Board Public Work Session Notice 9.8.20
Executive Session 9.8.20
Board Meeting Ag...
August 29, 2020
Hello River Forest families! Please take a moment to answer this short survey about how our Food Service Department can meet your family's needs during distance learning. Please r...
August 23, 2020
Please click here to join the Evans VIRTUAL Back to School Night! Monday, August 24 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.
August 18, 2020
Evans Meet the Teacher/Book Distribution
Monday, August 24
Drive up to Evans on Monday, August 24 to meet your teacher and pick up your books/supplies for school. Teache...
August 17, 2020
River Forest Families in Need Pastor Maurice White and the Beyond 4 Walls Christian Center have partnered with the USDA’s Farm To Family Program to distribute 750 boxes of food e...
August 11, 2020
RF Delayed Start of School Superintendent Letter 8.11.20 RF Delayed Start of School Superintendent Letter 8.11.20 (Spanish)
August 7, 2020
August 7, 2020
Dear Stakeholders of River Forest High School and River Forest Middle School:
The River Forest Community School District will be opening virtually for the...
August 4, 2020
Dear River Forest Parents and Community, In a special board meeting that was held on August 4th, the River Forest Board of Trustees voted to begin the new school year by utilizi...
August 3, 2020
RFCSC Special Board Meeting 7:00pm August 4, 2020 Facebook Live
July 23, 2020
To parents of high school athletes:
Athletic practices will resume on Monday, July 27th. As an extra precaution, we will follow guidelines in Phase One of the Athletics Return...
July 21, 2020
Hello RF Elementary Families!
Please click here to gain a better understanding of the Elementary Enrollment Choices for the 2020-2021 School. (English)
A Day in the Life o...
July 21, 2020
Good afternoon River Forest Middle and High School Families,
Please see the attached documents detailing the MS and HS phased return plan along with frequently asked question...