Tonight's HS Graduation will be live streamed at 6:30pm on the HS Athletics Page via Facebook Live. Updated start time 6:30pm
Online Registration is for new students only at this time.
If you are a returning student, the online registration will open July 16th and you will receive a registration code by email at that time. The Drive-up copying days next Thursday and Friday on June 11th and 12th are for new students only to copy 4 proofs of residency, birth certificates, shot records, social security cards, and a parent's photo ID or drivers license. New tuition applications can also be filled out online at this time. Returning tuition students can complete their paperwork after July 16th.
New Student Registration
Tuition Student Registration
RFCSC School Board will be meeting for an Executive Session Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 5 pm in the RFI Learning Center
Meister hosted a Virtual Awards Day Program today at 11:30am and we had a lot of families join us live, but if you were not able to do that we, recorded it! Here's the link to watch our program!
Don’t forget to join our Live Meister Virtual Awards Day presentation today at 11:30am! Just click the link to join. We will record and repost that later if you missed the live presentation.
Report Cards have been released in Harmony. Please sign in to your Harmony account and check the "Report Card" tab. This is the parent link for Harmony:
We also want to remind you that this Friday, 5/29, is the last day to return Chromebooks if you borrowed one. You can return it at the pick-up doors (Door B) between 8:30 and 9:30am.
Finally, we are inviting you to a Zoom meeting to join us as we host Meister's Virtual Awards Day! We didn't get to finish our year so this is just another w this Friday at 11:30am so we can recognize our students. Join this Friday by clicking on the Zoom Link below. If you can't join us, we will try to record this and repost it on our school website and our school Facebook page.
Join the Meister Virtual Awards Day Zoom Meeting with this link below.
Meeting ID: 715 4290 4205
Password: 4DbGPE
A final video message to say goodbye to our Meister Vikings! Have a great summer!
Click the link to watch!
A special thanks to Mrs. Wulitich for her creativity and video editing skills!
Here's an UPDATED copy of our Student Item Pick-up Day Schedule and Map for this Friday! Please plan to bring back library books and any borrowed from classrooms. You may also return Chromebooks if your work is done or wait until 5/29. Click on the link to see the updated copy!
Be sure you are caught up on your work since Thursday is our last day for e-learning!
We are having a Student Item pick up day on FRIDAY, MAY 22nd. Please see the attached schedule/map. Please come at the assigned time for your grade level. If you have more than one child, come at the time for the oldest child.
Have you ever compared yourself to others and feel like you just don’t measure up? Remember everyone is special in their own way! You are important and special just the way you are! Mrs. Schnabel shared a special story about this today that we thought you would enjoy called “Spoon”. Click on the link to see this great read aloud on video!
Need help with e-Learning? The Boys & Girls Club is excited to announce the launch of their new "Club Connect" resources for Club members and their parents. This link has the info:
Hey Middle School! The RFMS Staff will be driving through the community this Friday afternoon, May 1st! We’ll be in the Evans busing area from 2-3 and Meister from 3-4! We’ll finish by the MS/HS around 4:15. Come out on your porch, driveway, or wave back to us from your front windows!
We miss you!
We know it’s been a long time since we have all seen each other and laughed together so our Meister staff is sending you some smiles and funny jokes! Check out this link! 😂
Today is the food drive at the high school! It starts at 1:00pm. You can see your principals’ smiling faces as they help pass out food... well, with the masks, maybe not... but they are definitely smiling! 😀
We have a special video for you Meister Vikings! We love and miss you all so much!
During the Food Drive this Wednesday, we have “Need-a-Read” bags to pass out to RF families while supplies last. These books were generously donated by the Lake Station/New Chicago Public Library! A BIG THANKS to Julie Bradford, our local librarian for her help on making this happen for our district!
We hope to see you today during our Meister Staff Community Drive Thru Parade! we will begin at 2pm! Keep an eye out for us! WE MISS U!
We will be doing a Meister Staff Community Drive Thru Parade this Monday, April 6th starting at 2:00pm. It will probably take us over 90 minutes to drive our bus routes, but get ready to see us by wearing Viking green or your River Forest shirts.
Make a sign and hold it up when we drive by! We miss you so much, but also want you to stay safe so be sure you are not in groups, practice social distancing, and if you can't come out, wave at us from your door or a window. This will be our general route: Viking Village first, then Ravinia Pines, on to the New Chicago and High School areas, then over to Nob Hill and County Line. We hope to see all your smiling faces!!!
Happy Wednesday! Today is our first day of digital learning this week. Your teachers have been preparing great lessons for your Google Classroom pages. Log on today and keep up with your work! Show some great Life Skills like perseverance, integrity, and initiative today! We will have digital learning 3 days this week: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! Go Vikings!