The Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 15 will now be held on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at the River Forest Learning Center Door 1 at 4:45 p.m. There will be a Public Hearing of the Superintendent's contract (effective July 1, 2022) on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at the River Forest Learning Center Door 1 at 4:30 p.m. Public testimony will be taken at this hearing pursuant to Indiana Code 20-26-5-4.3 regarding the Superintendent's contract.
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
Good afternoon River Forest Community Members, The extension of the child nutrition waivers was not included in the Omnibus spending bill posted today by the Senate Appropriations Committee. If the waiver extension is not included in the final bill, the waivers will end on June 30, 2022, causing millions of children to face a hunger cliff when they lose access to summer and school meals. These waivers have been critical in supporting nutrition operations so that children have access to school, afterschool, and summer meals throughout the pandemic, and they are still needed to help schools and families recover from and respond to the economic, health, and educational fallout. This will massively affect K12 nutrition programs. If you have a few minutes, please reach out to Senators Braun and Young and request that the waivers be added to the Omnibus Bill. Friday is the deadline to encourage them to support the waivers as the senate votes on Friday! Senator Braun Email: Senator Mike Email:
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
Pre-K Registration - April 5th. Please see the flyer for additional information.
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
Pre-K Registration
Kindergarten Registration - April 12 & 14. Please see the flyer for additional information.
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
2022-23 Kindergarten Registration
Good evening River Forest Families, Because of recent changes in school guidelines by the Indiana State Department of Health for COVID-19 quarantine protocols and reporting procedures, River Forest Community School Corporation will begin to operate as mask optional effective immediately. Please note, there still is a Federal mask requirement on all busses, so River Forest will still need to follow these procedures until the FTA changes this requirement. Families will still be allowed to wear masks if they choose, but there is no requirement for masks except for on busses effective February 23, 2022 7:00 pm
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
RFCSC Safety Protocol Update Wearing of Masks in School
The Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 22 will now be held on Wednesday, February 23 at the River Forest Learning Center at 6:00 p.m.
almost 3 years ago, River Forest Community Schools
River Forest Logo
Due to the predicted extreme weather, RF Schools will have an e-Learning Day Thursday, February 17. Assignments will be posted on Google Classrooms by 9am. Teachers will be available for support from 9-2pm.
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
Due to the continuation of the extreme weather, RF Schools will have an e-Learning Day tomorrow, Thursday, February 3rd. Assignments will be posted on Google Classrooms by 9am. Teachers will be available for support from 9-2pm.
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
Due to the predicted extreme weather, RF Schools will have an e-Learning Day tomorrow, Wednesday, February 2. Assignments will be posted on Google Classrooms by 9am. Teachers will be available for support from 9-2pm.
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
Evans and Meister have cancelled the basketball game for tomorrow night (January 26th). We will reschedule for next week.
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
Due to the extreme cold, RF Schools will have an e-Learning Day tomorrow, January 26th. Assignments will be posted on Google Classrooms by 9am. Teachers will be available for support from 9-2pm. All athletic events and practices are still on tomorrow afternoon and evening.
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
Please review the updated CDC/ISDH Updated Back to School Guidelines for K-12 Schools Effective for all RFCSC schools January 20th, 2022
almost 3 years ago, RFCSC
CDC/ISDH Updated Back to School Guidelines for K-12 Schools Effective January 20th, 2022
RFCSC is hiring Bus Drivers. Please see the flyer for additional information. INTERESTED? Contact: Tracy Paradise 219-962-2909 Ext 2001
about 3 years ago, RFCSC
RFCSC is Hiring Bus Drivers
The River Forest Community School Corporation will be on e-Learning tomorrow, Monday, December 20th. We apologize for the inconvenience, but Covid-19 has impacted our transportation department and made providing transportation services an impossibility. Knowing the hardship this creates for everyone, all schools will remain open during their normal school hours with our faculty and staff present for any parent wanting to provide transportation for their student(s) and needing adult supervision. Assignments will be posted and available for students via Google Classroom at 9:00 a.m.
about 3 years ago, RFCSC
eLearning  Announcement 12.20.21
Good morning River Forest, This is Randy Horka on behalf of the River Forest Community Schools, The Lake County Sheriff’s Department was contacted regarding a Tik Tok posting that is now being circulated around the United States. The LCPD Intelligence Unit has researched the origin of this post and the status of its content. The original Internet posting as a “Tik Tok Challenge, ” was for students to skip school on December 17. At some point, the challenge was changed to a school shooting threat. This posting is spreading on the internet across the USA – we are now seeing posts about it from Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc. Police Agencies from those States have posted saying they are investigating but at this time there is no credible threat. The river forest schools will have an added police presence tomorrow, Friday, December 17th during arrival and dismissal times. Further, I have been in contact with the Lake Station and New Chicago Police Departments and they will have added patrols around Meister, Evans, and Central Campus. As always, our school resource officers will be onsite at our buildings from bell to bell. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
about 3 years ago, Randall Horka
Please join us in celebrating the upcoming holidays and winter season!
about 3 years ago, RFCSC
Meister Spirit Week Flyer
Meister Elementary would like to invite all parents to attend our winter programs. We look forward to seeing all of our Viking parents!
about 3 years ago, RFCSC
Meister Christmas Flyer
Meister Elementary School WEBSTORE IS NOW OPEN!
about 3 years ago, RFCSC
Meister Elementary Webstore
The Coats for Kids and Families Organization will be having our annual giveaway Saturday, November 6th from 9am-12pm. Our organization gives away winter coats to those of all ages in need. The giveaway will be held at the River Forest High School Cafeteria. Masks will be required to enter and must continue to be worn until you exit the building. This is an annual event and we are extremely lucky to continue during these unprecedented times. If numbers are large you may need to wait outside until numbers permit you to enter. All those in your party in need of a coat should be present to make sure you are able to get a coat that fits.
about 3 years ago, RFCSC
Coats for Kids & Families
Hello Ingots! The Coats for Kids and Families Organization are collecting new and gently used clean WINTER coats. Winter is cold and our hope is to make sure that all students and adults have a winter coat to help them stay warm throughout all the cold weather. Please help us meet our community's needs and donate a winter coat. Coat collection will go until October 29th. Coats can be dropped off at one of the elementary schools and/or Middle/High School. Thank you for your help.
over 3 years ago, RFCSC